Legionella Filtration for Compromised Water Events
Legionella Filtration
Legionella pneumophila and other opportunistic waterborne pathogens can be found in any plumbing system and cause numerous health risks. Our FDA-cleared, point-of-use water filters are a cost-effective, easy-to-install solution to retain bacteria like Legionella at sinks and showers. Keep a supply on hand for quick deployment during an outbreak or boil water advisory.
Our point-of-use S100 Sink and Shower Spray, S100 Sink Spout, and S100 Handheld Shower filters feature 0.1-micron technology that offers effective retention of waterborne pathogens for 90 days.
As an aid in infection control, we recommend our DSU-H and SSU-H in-line filters, which are FDA-cleared to retain bacteria (such as Legionella), viruses, and endotoxins for 180 days, and ideal control measures for any water management program.